2016 Law at Work Columns

SCMV shareholder Dan Eaton became a San Diego Union-Tribune guest columnist in the fourth quarter of 2016, writing bi-monthly articles on employment law topics - an assignment that will continue this year. These articles are a treasure trove for employers looking for information regarding critical employment issues. Click on the links below to read all of Dan's "The Law at Work" columns from 2016.
In addition to seeing Dan's articles in the U-T, you can find his columns here, in the news section of our website, as well as on the firm's Facebook page and Twitter feed. We invite you to follow us on social media and visit the news section of our website often for information about employment law and all of the areas of law in which SCMV practices.
Can your employer forbid you from talking politics at work? October 3, 2016
3 reasons employers should be scared of Halloween October 17, 2016
Paid vacation time is considered wages - except when it's not October 31, 2016
What do employers owe returning service members besides honor and thanks?November 14, 2016
Requiring employees to say 'Merry Christmas' could mean legal trouble November 28, 2016
Two changes to the California equal pay law coming in 2017 that all employers need to know December 12, 2016
5 predictions for changes in the law at work in 2017 December 26, 2016
If you have any questions about these new laws or any employment law issues, Dan Eaton can be reached at eaton@scmv.com or 619-685-3052.