Column: CAL/OSHA adopts updated COVID 19 workplace rules — for now
All California employees for now will have to continue wearing masks at work virtually all the time regardless of vaccination status, according to revised COVID-19 safety rules just adopted by the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB). According to the revised emergency temporary standards OSHSB adopted on June 3, a fully vaccinated employee need not wear a mask at work only when the employee is: (1) alone in a room; (2) in a room in which everyone is fully vaccinated and has no COVID-19 symptoms; or (3) working outdoors and has no COVID-19 symptoms. The new rules are expected to take effect on June 15, following review by the Office of Administrative Law.
Click here to read the full article written by SCMV Shareholder Dan Eaton and published in The San Diego Union-Tribune.
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