
Is it unlawful discrimination to not promote an employee who works remotely?

California law requires employers with five or more employees to provide interactive sexual harassment training to their employees annually. I generally open my trainings with a statement that invariably astounds the trainees: Not all workplace harassment is illegal.

It’s true. Work-related harassment is unlawful only if it is motivated by sexual interest or gender-based hostility by the victim’s membership in another protected classification (such as race, religion, or sexual orientation), or by the victim’s protected activity such as whistleblowing about reasonably perceived unlawful work-related behavior. General “abusive conduct” is not unlawful, even though California law requires harassment prevention training to address it.

Click here to read the full article written by SCMV Shareholder Dan Eaton and published in The San Diego Union-Tribune.

February 13, 2024  |  Categories: Articles & Publications
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