Law and Junior League Cast a Spell Over Andrea Nelson Myers of La Jolla

Law and Junior League Cast a Spell Over Andrea Nelson Myers of La Jolla La Jolla Light By STAFF, July 2, 2014
Andrea Nelson Myers is an attorney at Seltzer Caplan McMahon Vitek, who specializes in resolving complex business and property disputes. She compliments her work by serving as the fund development director for the Junior League of San Diego. Myers re launched the Junior League’s signature fundraiser as a Kentucky Derby-themed Food & Wine Festival, held annually at La Jolla Cove. In two years, she helped double revenue and increase attendance by 40 percent. She has been recognized as a “Woman Who Moves the City,” “Top Young Attorney” and “Young Influential.”
Myers is a San Diego native. She attended The Bishop’s School and holds a bachelor’s degree from Claremont McKenna College. She received her J.D. from USD School of Law.
She serves on her schools’ local alumni committees and is a member of the American Inns of Court: Louis M. Welsh Chapter, which is dedicated to improving the skills and ethics of the bench and bar.
What brought you to La Jolla?
Bishop’s. After high school and college, I spent a few years in the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles, but was eager to get back to America’s Finest City. I moved back to San Diego for law school, married my college sweetheart, Zach, began working for a great law firm, and after a few years, bought a house close to my parents and the Village. Zach and I are now in the process of remodeling our “fixer” into the house of our dreams and we hope to never leave!
What might you add, subtract or improve in the area?
While La Jolla is close to perfect already, I would love to add a piano bar in the Village, subtract the pervasive odor in the Cove, and improve traffic congestion on Torrey Pines Road.
Who or what inspires you?
My fellow Junior Leaguers and the legacy created by our sustaining members. The League’s effort to develop women leaders and create positive change has inspired me from the time I was a young girl, helping my mom run the League’s Rummage Sale at the Del Mar Fairgrounds to working with our current, passionate and dedicated members to raise funds needed to improve the lives of San Diego’s transition-age foster youth. Generations of women volunteers have dedicated so much time, talent and energy to serve thousands of San Diego’s most deserving, and I am honored to be a part of the League’s 85-year legacy. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something to make a difference in our community!
If you hosted a dinner party for eight, whom (living or deceased) would you invite?
Zach, of course, plus, Elizabeth I, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Richard Branson, Roger Federer, Martha Stewart and Mindy Kaling.
What is it that you most dislike?
What is your most-prized possession?
Time. Balancing a rigorous schedule as a civil litigator with my commitment to raising funds for the League, makes the free time I have to spend with family and friends all the more precious.
What are your five favorite movies of all time?
“Casablanca,” “Pride and Prejudice” (BBC version), “Sabrina,” “Love Actually” and “A Good Year.”
What do you do for fun?
I love to spend weekends reading in the pool, paddleboarding, hiking down to Black’s or strolling the Village. And, I always make time for wining and dining, whether it is drumming up support for our League’s Food & Wine Festival, meeting friends at the best happy hours, sampling new restaurants or enjoying a leisurely meal at one of our favorite haunts.
What is your motto or philosophy of life?
Make it work!
What would be your dream vacation?
Traveling has given me the opportunity to experience so many unique and memorable adventures — like riding an elephant in the River Kwai, lying down on a tiger in a Buddhist temple, playing with cheetahs in South Africa, and walking with lions in Zimbabwe — so my dream vacation would have to be equally intrepid: I would love to go trekking with gorillas in Uganda.
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